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Personal Work

For a personal side-project I wanted to create a foggy forest made up of birch trees with blinking eyes. This concept id from a pitch I created for a film about a lonely "cryptid" in search of other creatures similar to her. I wanted the forest to be very atmospheric so I laser cut the trees from acrylic. I created fog by capturing tulle animation with a long exposure.  


These are some watercolor studies I did to pre-visualize the color scheme and layout of the birch forest. 


I created a pink foam form for the birch trees in the foreground so that they could be slightly rounded. I then pulled PETG over it on a large vacuum-form machine. 

I made the mountainous land forms out of cardboard and then covered them with a water-soluble putty. After the putty was cured, I coated the mountains in gesso and house paint. 

Lighting Tests


Blocking Tests


This is the credit sequence I created for a class at SCAD that originally sparked the idea for this forest. 

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